We are in this for long term food sustainability.

Anything we do with farmers has to pass some non-negotiable tests:

It's practical

It's affordable

It can be done forever

A bearded man holding humic compost in his hand
A boom spray spraying carbon boost onto a paddock

What is Carbon Boost?

Carbon Boost is a compost extract that improves your soil's health whilst still being easy to use and cost effective.

Unlock your soil's potential with Carbon Boost

An aerial shot of Mick Careys Property

Increase Drought Resilience

Replacing complex carbon in soils kickstarts plant and microbe processes that improve how soils hold water, store nutrients, manage acidity and suppress disease. Each of these reduce plant stress and increase resilience to shocks such as drought.

A photo of a canola field

Reduce Fertiliser Costs

Complex carbons in Carbon Boost increases fertiliser efficiency. This can in some cases allow nitrogen and phosphorus applications to be reduced by up to 50%. This improves profit, reduces soil damage and reduces exposure to global fertiliser price fluctuations.

A before and after photo of soil that has been sprayed with carbon boost

Carbon Credit Projects

Applying Carbon Boost is an approved activity for Australian Carbon Credit projects. It directly adds carbon and also stimulates plants and microbes to further build soil carbon.

A photo of Mick Carey farmer
Mick Carey

“My lambs grew 50% faster in a Carbon Boost treated paddock.

To me it’s a no brainer”.

A photo of Milton Kirkpatrick
Milton Curkpatrick
Precision Pastures

“It fills the gap where you’ve got your nutrition and ground cover right, but you just need a microbial boost to get things going”.

Get Carbon Boost today
and start future proofing your soils.

Get Carbon Boost today and start future proofing your soils

Carbon Boost Order Form