Lock Rogers - Thalgarrah

Introducing Mick

Mick Carey runs 1200 ha of grazing land near Coolamon, NSW. He started a soil carbon credit project in 2022. Using a combination of permanent multispecies pastures.

Mick’s farming system in a lot of ways was very conventional but he’s always keen to tweak and change it and is not afraid to be a pioneer or early adopter of a new idea. He’s not attached to history and tradition and is fairly ruthless in discarding things that don’t work. He cares about the environment but his ultimate goal is to have a better life on the farm with less stress and more profit.” John

Improved soils

Improvements in Soil Health = Revenue

Mick has observed improvements to soil biology, acidity, structure and, water holding. As a result, his soils, plants and animals are thriving. He is reporting a wide range of savings and revenue increases as a result.

In economic terms the results speak for themselves:

Savings in fertiliser, herbicide and vaccinations $/year + $520,000

Increased income from stock $/year + $1,000,000

Additional cost of Carbon Boost $/year - $25,000

Net economic benefit (excluding carbon credits) $/year = $1,495,000

$520,000 Saving

in operational costs

$1,495,000 Net Benefit

from Carbon Boost

Improving Animal Production

Mick compared lambs in two 20ha pasture paddocks with and without Carbon Boost at 25L/ha.

The lambs in the treated paddock grew 50% faster, 3kg/week vs 2kg/week. At the abattoir, they had a 15% higher meat yield than a conventional lamb of the same live weight (lower fat %).

He then got a 20% bonus on $/kg for bigger, marbled cuts that could sell to restaurants.

Carbon Boost cost him just $7/lamb.

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Lock Rogers - Thalgarrah

"Two Utes, two tractors and an excavator" Improvement to soil structure due to Carbon Boost.